
PPGE is organized in the area of Education, Society and Pedagogical Praxis and comprises the following lines of research:

  • Curriculum, Information and Training – connections between curriculum, teaching training, knowledge, culture and communication, in their epistemological, historical, sociopolitical and institutional factors, having the education practice as leading basis.  The research groups are: Curriculum and Teaching Training – FORMACCE; Education, Communication and Technologies – GEC; Science and Mathematics Teaching – ENCIMA; Training in Teacher Practice – FEP; Cooperative Network for Research and Intervention in Information and Training, Curriculum and Work – REDPECT.
  • Languages, Subjectivation and Pedagogical Praxis – respecting theoretical and methodological diversity, it encompasses the fields of Philosophy, Language Sciences and Education Sciences, in teaching, research and extension actions aimed at promoting the pedagogical praxis. The research groups are: Education and Language – GELING; Education, politics, individual and society: readings from Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy perspectives – EPIS; Epistemology of Educating and Pedagogical Praxis – GEEPP; Pedagogy and Psychology Lab – PEPSI.
  • Policy and Education Management – studies, research and projects on politics (including public policies) planning, management, funding e assessment of basic and higher education in in-class teaching or distance learning systems, both in system and teaching institutions levels. The research groups are: Society, Education, Professional Knowledge and Work – SECT and Policy and Education Management
  • Education and Diversity – study of Education, its connections and contradictions in the sociocultural context and effects on the curriculum, the teaching training and on the pedagogical practice, under multiple facets:  differences of gender, generation, ethnicities, social classes, special needs, art and playfulness. The research groups are: Education, Culture and Art – ECART; Education and Playfulness – GEPEL; Inclusive Education and Special Education – GEINE; Philosophy, Gender and Education – GEFIGE; Development and Culture Contexts Study Center; “GRIÔ”: Popular Cultures, African Ancestry and Education.
  • Education, Body Culture and Recreation – study of meaningful issues of pedagogical praxis, teaching training and public policies regarding multiple education themes: body/culture, ethnicities, media/memory/image, sport/recreation, childhood/youth, as research cross themes and History as reference. The research groups are: Daily Life, Rescue, Research and Orientation – CORPO; Research and Study On Physical Education & Sports and Recreation – LEPEL; History, Body Culture, Education, Sports, Recreation and Society – HCEL; Media, Memory, Education and Recreation – MEL; Marxism and Work and Education Policies – MTE (created and registered in CNPq in 2015 The curricular design of the UFBA Graduate Program in Education is set in a way that master’s and doctorate students, regardless their lines of research, must take in the following compulsory courses:
  1. Research Approaches and Techniques (4 credits)
  2. Education, Society and Pedagogical Praxis (4 credits)

The objective of the first course is to understand the development of qualitative, quantitative and qualitative-quantitative research methods. The course ranges from the theoretical and conceptual notion of the many methodological approaches to field work and final report elaboration, critically assessing the existing options among various approaches, strategies, techniques and procedures of scientific investigation. Thus, it provides basis for a consistent and conscious action of the student, when producing knowledge in the education field.

The purpose of the second course, on the other hand, is to analyse the connection between the Brazilian historical process and education, which is perceived as a pedagogical and political space, and the basis for social transformation processes. In addition, it discusses the connection between the scientific and technological revolutions and education, as well as the phenomena regarding social and cultural inclusion or exclusion. Moreover, it seeks to understand the sociocultural perspective as a space, mediation of the individual constitution, self-awareness, self-esteem and esteem from others, freedom, inter and trans-subjectivity, citizenship and science. Besides the two compulsory courses, master’s students take the two compulsory activities: Supervised Research and Thesis Project (4 credits). Doctorate students take the four following compulsory activities: Supervised Research, Qualifying Exam and Dissertation Project I and II (8 credits). No credits are given to Supervised Research and Qualifying Exam.

The Thesis Project and Dissertation Project (I e II) activities, developed in seminar format, comprise the re-elaboration of the research project, under a professor’s supervision in line with each student’s advisor. In these activities, each student must define the focus, problem statement, objectives, design and method of the research, so that the Dissertation or Thesis Project can be forwarded to the Program Collegiate for the qualifying exam.

Master’s and PhD candidates must attend two optional courses (four credits each), within the course list provided by PPGE. They can also attend the optional activities Supervised Teaching Practice and Participation in Program Research, both without credits, but relevant to the training regarding teaching and research. In total, the doctorate level provides 24 credits, divided in a course load of 408 hours, whereas for the master level, there are 20 credits, divided in 340 hours. They also need to prove foreign language proficiency through a reading examination: one language for master’s candidates and two for PhD candidates (the languages available are English, French, Spanish, German or Italian). The CAPES scholarship holder must attend the compulsory activity Supervised Teaching Internship for two semesters.

Both in compulsory and optional courses, the student is evaluated for attendance to classes and grades (0 to 10, according to UFBA rules). As for the activities, the grade system is classificatory (pass or fail).

